Routine assessments save the downtime period of equipment without any production loss and all the inspection activities are performed while in operation. Inservice equipment may be subject to degradation mechanisms like corrosion, cracking etc. External, onstream and nonintrusive inspections are normally conducted as a part of routine assessment on defined intervals depending upon codes and standards and actual level of criticality of the equipment. Nondestructive testing (NDT) is used to find metal loss, local or uniform corrosion and defects within a structure. Inspection and NDT data is interpreted by certified personnel and corrosion rate, remaining life and future inspection interval is defined.
Routine assessments data can be used for planning shutdown or repair activities for equipment if equipment is at critical level of safety and shutdown time can be minimized by a preplanned scope of work.
Nazaha Tafuq supports its clients at every stage of planning, inspection execution, documentation, repair and consultancy. We also use a statistical approach for inspecting equipments in a way to reduce the time and cost of client.